To upload a PDF as a Flippable Digital Catalogue, it needs to be in single-page format. If your PDF is formatted as a double-page spread, it won’t be displayed correctly, so you’ll need to crop it first.
To crop a double-page spread PDF to single-page, you will need Adobe Acrobat.
If your PDF has any pages formatted as a double-page spread, it won’t work with Digital Catalogue. To fix this, you’ll need to crop all double-pages to two separate single pages of the same size, like this:
Double-page spread
Cropped to two single pages
To crop the PDF you can use any tool you like, but we recommend using Adobe Acrobat. You can find instructions on how to crop PDF pages with Adobe Acrobat here:
Adobe Acrobat: Crop PDF Pages
If the entire PDF is formatted with double-page spreads, you can follow this process: